SYMPTOMS OF BREAST CANCER THAT WOMEN NEGLECT! # Breast cancer - Symptoms and treatment

Statistically speaking, breast cancer affects 1 in every 8 women in the USA solely. According to the American Cancer Society, by the end of 2016, there will be approximately 246, 660 cases of invasive breast cancer. Additionally, according to the organization, by the end of 2016, around 40, 450 women will die from invasive breast cancer.
Early detection is crucial for successful treatment of breast cancer, so it is necessary that women learn the symptoms and treat the disease from an early stage, rather than to fight cancer in the later stages of the disease, which could sometimes be too late for that.

These are one of the most common early signs of breast cancer to which you need to pay attention:
Change in an existing mole or appearance of a new one
Skin cancer is tightly related to changes in moles, but these changes can also indicate breast cancer. In a study that lasted for 18 years and which included 89, 902 women, between the ages of 40-65 and over, scientists had taken note of all the moles each woman had before the study began. During the study, 5,956 women were diagnosed with breast cancer and the research showed that women with moles had a 13% risk of breast cancer than those who had no moles.

Persistent cough and hoarse throat
When breast cancer reaches the lungs, persistent coughing and throat hoarseness develop. Statistically, in approximately 60-70% cases of cancer patients, the breast cancer spreads to the lungs.

Irregular bladder or bowel movement
Women who suffer from breast cancer experience hormonal changes that cause drying of the urethra which leads to incontinence. This could result in leaking of urine during laughing, coughing, exercising, and even sneezing. Moreover, there is urgent need for urination, and the urination lasts longer than usually.

Unexplained fatigue
This is a common symptom in many cancer types. Hence, if you still feel tired after a good night’s sleep, accompanied by depression and pain, it would be advisable to consult your physician as tiredness is not a result of exhaustion, but of chemical imbalance in the body caused by cancer.

Unexplained back pain
Although every 8 in 10 people suffer from back pain, breast cancer can also be the cause for it. Usually, this pain involves pressure on the spine and ribs, as well as in the upper back. It may appear as if the pain comes from the bones which could actually indicate that the cancer has spread to the bones.